
Monday, June 23, 2014

Blogs I read

One of the things that inspired me to write a blog (read about it HERE) are the other blogs I read.  For over 2 years now I have faithfully read the following blogs everyday.  As crazy as it sounds they become your unofficial online friend.  You follow them on social media and know all about their lives.  A friend asked me who is this Living in Yellow you always talk about?  Why do you link up with the High Five for Friday #H54F each week?  I thought to better understand where I am coming from and what I am trying to create with my blog, you need to learn about the bloggers in my life.

Kate @ The Small Things Blog
The Small Things Blog is the first blog I started reading regularly.  You know that addictive site Pinterest?  Well I came across one of Kate's hair tutorials and immediately started digging into her blog.  Kate is a former hairstylist turned stay at home Mom.  Her blog has a huge following as she became very popular from Pinterest.  I have to admit a lot of the products she recommends I do try.  She got me hooked on Essie nail polish.  She is also an avid Target shopper and a cat lady.  Kate lives in Raleigh.

Lauren @ The Lauren Elizabeth
Lauren is Kate's sister so it was just natural I start reading her blog, too.  She started the link up High Five for Friday that I participate in every week.  I like Lauren because we are a lot alike.  Crazy cat ladies, homebodies, adore our nieces and nephews, Target shoppers, and watch some of the same TV shows.  She does a lot of beauty posts as well and I love some of the products she has recommended.  (Including a few cat toys.)  Lauren lives in Chicago.

Erin @ Living in Yellow
Erin hails from northern Indiana so we are practically neighbors!  I can't remember exactly how I came across her blog but I'm so glad I did.  When I read Erin's blog I feel like she is talking to me in person.  Her style of writing is hilarous and she let's it all hang out.  Her blog has become so successful that she has been able to turn her 9-5 job into a part time job and dedicate the rest of her day to her blog.  Erin is a social butterfly and likes to spend her weekends on her boat.

Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink

I found Pursuit of Pink from Living in Yellow.  I'll be honest.  It was the color pink that took me there.  I didn't know there was anyone else out there that loved it as much as me!  Lindsay is an adorable southern belle who is in the process of moving with her family from D.C.  She has the cutest ginger baby who is turning 1 very soon!  Baby K is the most stylish 1 year old I know.

Lisa Leonard @ Lisa Leonard

Kate (from Small Things Blog) was hosting a giveaway from Lisa Leonard Designs and that is how I started reading her blog.  Lisa is from California and runs her own jewelry business.  They sell really unique pieces.  Lisa has 2 adorable boys and I love her even more because she has curly hair like me!  Lisa has a heart of gold and seems so down to earth.

Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy
I came across the Pleated Poppy blog from Lisa Leonard.  Lindsey is also from sunny California.  She does a lot of craft projects and is always rearranging/redecorating her super cool house.  Lindsey use to have an online store of items she made but recently gave it up to focus more on her 3 kids.  

Ree Drummond @ The Pioneer Woman  
You know how much I love PW?  Well read all about it in my first blog post ever.  She is kind of amazing.  Before she got her own show on the Food Network, she was a fellow blogger.  What I love most about her blog is her sense of humor.  And you get the behind the scene stories.  I want PW and Marlboro Man to adopt me so I can go live on their ranch in Oklahoma. 

Melissa @ Bless this Mess Please
Melissa is a friend of a friend.  A former Hoosier she currently lives in Utah with her husband and 4 young children.  They have a booming hobby farm and in the process of opening a hardware store in their teeny, tiny town.  Melissa is a fabulous cook and shares lots of recipes.

New blogs I just started reading:
Venus Trapped in Mars
The Grits Blog
Helene in Between
Baby Boy Bakery 

**all photos taken from respective blogs.  all the photo credit goes to above mentioned bloggers**


  1. Well thanks for the shoutout! I'm honored to be mentioned with these wonderful ladies!

    1. Hi Helene! Just started reading your blog and love it! Love all your tips!

  2. I am so flattered that you included me on your list!! How cool is it be mentioned with Helene, Sara, and of course my fav Kate! Thank you girl!

    1. Aww you are the cutest! How could I not read your blog?! It has grits right in the name. I knew it would be a blog for me! ;-)

  3. I am so honored to be a daily read of yours and to be included on this list! Happy Blogging to you lady!
