1. Code Black. Wednesdays at 10pm on CBS. By far right now this is my favorite new show. It reminds me of ER mixed with Grey's Anatomy. But with a little bit more of an edge. Don't know what Code Black stands for? Me either and I have worked in a hospital! Each episode starts out with, "Code Black: An influx of patients so great, there aren't enough resources to treat them. The average ER is in code black 5 times per year. Angels Memorial Hospital in LA is in code black 300 times per year." The show stars Marcia Gay Harden who is one of the head doctors of the ER. She is in charge of teaching the young new batch of interns. They also refer to her as 'Daddy', Mama is the head nurse (Luis Guzman). They have great chemistry together. I sure hope this one makes it because I really enjoy it.
2. Quantico. Sundays at 10pm on ABC. This one is almost a close tie for first place in my favorite new shows. I didn't start watching it at the beginning. Some friends on Facebook and co-workers were talking about it. I thought I would give it a try. Thanks to on demand, I got caught up quick. The plot is about Alex Parrish who is training to become a FBI agent. It flashes back and forth between her training 9 months ago, to present day when she is being framed for blowing up Grand Central Station. I like it because it keeps you guessing. I am not able to always able to predict what is going to happen next. We learn about all the other FBI recruits and their background stories. I didn't realize all that went into training for the FBI. It seems just as intense as the armed forces.
3. Life in Pieces. Mondays at 8:30pm (moving to Thursdays) on CBS. This is such a spin off of Modern Family. It is hysterical though! I like it because it pushes the adult humor in a way no other sitcom does. They typically do 3-4 short stories in the 30 minutes. The scene stealers are Colin Hanks and Zoe Lister-Jones. They have a newborn at home and the stories are so real and hilarious. You need to check this one out! (No Mom not you. Not your kind of sense of humor.)
4. Scream Queens. Tuesdays at 9pm on FOX. I gave into all the hype of this one. Everyone was talking about it and I thought I would give it a try. I had absolutely no idea what it was even about. It is satire at it's finest. Like a mix of all the Scary Movies, thrown in with some sorority girls. (If you aren't familiar with the Scary Movie franchise, they are movies based on real scary movies but they make fun of them. They aren't scary at all and very dumb/fun humor.) Scream Queens has an all star cast that I won't list but my favorite is Jamie Lee Curtis. (The woman hasn't aged a bit thanks to Activa!) I love the clothes and all the props. I am ready to be Chanel #7. I can't figure out who the Red Devil is. Whodunit?
5. Heroes Reborn. Thursdays at 8pm on NBC. I watched Heroes the first time around. (2006-2010) I will be honest. I've slept since then. I am having a hard time remembering what happened. Thankfully I watch this one with my friend Lee. He explains things for me. (Ha-ha!) It is only a 13 episode mini series. It is good to see some familiar faces and catch up on their lives. It has a completely different plot line than the original series. The Evos (people with special powers) are no longer a secret. A company is working to capture all of the Evos so they can create apps out of all their powers. (So modern day!) I would love to have an app that let's me time travel!
6. Blood and Oil. Sundays at 9pm on ABC. This one reminds me of Dallas. Which I watched the original version and the reboot they did last year. Only difference is this is set in North Dakota. Oil business is booming in this small town. Shows a young couple who leaves their lives behind in hopes of finding big money overnight. Which of course they do. (I'm still scratching my head on that one.) Same plots of Dallas with family fighting and everyone trying to get a piece of the pie. This isn't really one of my favorites but I'm still watching. It has a strong cast with Don Johnson, Chace Crawford, and Scott Michael Foster. (Not hard on my eyes either!) I give it 2 seasons max.
Shows I watched only once:
Dr. Ken. I thought this one had potential but it was painful to watch. It is starring that guy from The Hangover movies (should have been my first sign it was going to be bad.) It is just really bad/awkward acting. The jokes are kind of funny but the timing is all wrong and seems too forced. I could have kept watching it but I could just foresee it wasn't going to make a full season. Plus it airs on Friday nights, and those shows never last.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I would still like the hour back I spent watching this. It was HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE! Do you hear me? HORRIBLE!!! I can't believe they aired a second episode of this one. Story-line was terrible. There is odd singing and dancing. Plot is a young, successful lawyer gets partnership at a prestigious law firm in NYC. She runs into her boyfriend from summer camp and decides to move to California to some dumpy little town to be with/stalk him. Turns out he already has a girlfriend...... It is just really strange and DUMB!
For other What I'm Watchin Wednesday posts, check them out below.
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