I majorly fail as a blogger!!! Two and a half months since my last post. I guess I just lost my desire to write this year in general. Which is strange because I have good ideas all the time. I am going to try and get better. I have had several people tell me they enjoy reading my blog and you would think that would motivate me! Here are some things I have been up to:
1. My family is doing just fine. I think it is safe for me to officially say, I am going to be an Aunt again!!!!!! #3 is on the way and due in March. As you know I have 2 nieces who I absolutely adore. K#1 started Kindergarten this fall. She seems to be adjusting. Word on the street is she hates homework and is a perfectionist. K#2 will be 2 in November. She is just the cutest little thing. Tries to keep up with her big sister. They are both going to make great big sisters. Mom and I are hoping for a boy but of course a girl would be just fine! My brother is already outnumbered!
Kindergarten girl!!! |
And because he doesn't read my blog, I can brag on my Dad. He got a hole in one on the golf course this summer. Only took 40+ years. He thinks he is cool. Whatever.
At Grandpa's birthday dinner |
Andy and Stacey |
Gammy and her girls |
2. Over Labor Weekend, Mom and I took the girls to
African Safari Wildlife Park in Port Clinton, Ohio. I can't believe I had never heard of it before or realized it was so close to home. It was really cool! We got to drive around and feed animals. They would come right up to your car and sometimes stick there heads in. My favorite part was hearing my Mom squeal. K#1 really got into it. K#2 slept through it half way (it was her nap time.) After your tour you could walk around a mini zoo area. We saw pigs race and K#1 even got to ride a camel. It was just really a neat place. Here are some of the highlights.
The girls |
Me and K#1 |
If this picture had sound, you would hear my Mom squealing. |
Me feeding a bull |
Me feeding the llama |
Feeding llamas |
Baby K holding the food cup. |
Checking out the rabbits. |
Baby K. Looking tired. This was right before she fell out of the stroller. I forgot to strap her in. #auntfail Don't worry she was just fine. |
K#1 on a camel. This was also the time I decided I was going to buy a new iPhone. My phone totally wouldn't bring up the camera quick enough for me to snap a pic. I had to take this off the video I did. But she still looks adorable. |
3. Here are just some random things.
Went to the Covered Bridge Festival last weekend in Mansfield, IN. |
My festival purchase. These are so in right now. |
Tried out a restaurant in Broad Ripple called
Public Green. They sit right on the Monon Trail and change their menu weekly. It was really yummy.
4. In September I did have minor surgery. I'm not sick or in terrible
pain. It was really was a non-event to me since I felt fine. I won't
get into the nitty gritty of it but I had to have a D & C done. (If
you don't know what that is, google it.) This isn't my first one so I
knew what to expect. I have been having lots of issues in the 'lady
department' and it was just time to straighten things out. I have had
problems for years now and I will probably until I
hit............gasp.........menopause. I will just say this. Being a
woman isn't always fun. As women we don't talk about our health issues
enough. It surprises me every time I tell other women my issues, they
all have a story, too. My biggest advice to others is you have to FIGHT
to get the best possible care you can. No one is going to do it for
5. I got the new iPhone 6s in rose gold! I'm embarrassed to admit this but
I was upgrading from an iPhone 4. I had no idea how slooooooowwwww and
out of date my 4 really was. Wow! My upgrade was 2 years over due. I
never really had $500 extra laying around to buy a new phone. Now my
cell phone provider offers a payment plan. Which is right up my alley.
Hopefully now my pictures will be better on here!
That is my life lately in a nutshell. Loving this fall weather! It can stay in the 60s until next April. That would be just fine with me! Have a great weekend!
Linking up today with:
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