
Friday, July 15, 2016

High Five for Friday: My life in pictures lately

I am going to keep this short and sweet.  Get right to the good stuff.  The pictures.  Here is my life lately!

1.  4th of July weekend in Norwalk, Ohio.

We got to keep all 3 kids on Sunday.  Even Baby Drew!!!  I could not stop kissing his cheeks.  He loves watching his sisters play and/or fight.  He-he!
At one point Drew was fighting sleep so hard and would not stop fussing.  My arms got tired so I propped him up beside me for just a little break.  He promptly fell asleep. 

Mom and I set the pool up.  They had more fun playing with the hose.
Norwalk puts on a GREAT 4th of July parade.  Over a 100 entries.  It is a big deal.  People stake out their seats the day before.  I am not even kidding.  Stacey's sister has a house on the route and we all went there.  I have never enjoyed the parade more.  It was super relaxing and not stressful.  Front row seats, bounce houses for the kids, and beverages for the adults.  It was a great time.  Thanks Aunt Erin!!!!!

2.  Random act of kindness.  As I was driving home to Indiana, I was about 30 minutes into my drive and remembered I forgot to grab a water for the road.  We had chicken fajitas and chips for dinner.  I was parched!  I got stopped by a train right outside of a small town.  I knew it would be awhile before I would come across a gas station to stop for a drink.  Now my trip was delayed by a train.  I pulled out my phone in a huff.  I looked up to see the guy in front of me getting out of his car.  He flips the trunk open and inside a cooler hepulls out an ice, cold RC Cola.  My mouth starts to water.  The next thing I know, he pulls out a water bottle and points my way.  I hesitate for maybe 2 seconds and shake my head yes.  He walks over to my window and hands it to me.  I thanked him profusely and said I was actually really thirsty.  Isn't it weird how things work out?  It was like the universe worked to my advantage.  I was really appreciative to this kind stranger.  And you know what?  The train only lasted a minute more.
Thank you kind stranger!
3.  My friend Ryan was in town last week.  We did a little shopping at the Christmas Tree Shops.  No they don't sell just Christmas Trees.  It is like a cheaper version of a Home Goods store.  You can find a ton of stuff there.  We decided on Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  Our other BFF was out celebrating his anniversary at a fancy restaurant.  So I decided to poke a little fun and post on FB and snapchat that Ryan and I were celebrating our anniversary, too.  Of being friends for 16 years.  Its what we do.  Poke fun of each other.  We don't really celebrate our friend-anniversary but maybe we should if it includes this!

Strawberry shortcake from the Cheesecake Factory.  Made with biscuits just how we like it.  Absolutely better than anything on the dessert menu.  My mouth is watering just looking at this picture.  Snapchat:  naptowndiva79
4. One of my favorite bloggers, the Lauren Elizabeth, lost her cat on July 4.  Very unexpectedly.  He was only 5 years old.  My girls, Sabrina and Callie are 8 and 7.  It made me realize life is short.  Pets lives are even shorter.  I have been holding my girls a little closer lately.  I saved them both from an outside cat life.  They wouldn't be alive today if I hadn't taken them in.  But in all honestly......they saved my life.  I know I sound like a crazy old cat lady but they make my life so much better.  And they are such good girls.  I couldn't ask for 2 better cats.

Left:  Sabrina Right:  Callie
Me holding Sabrina like a baby in my arms.  You would never know she was the meanest kitten in her litter.

My view as I wake up each morning.  The white thing Sabrina is sitting on is a wicker bookshelf.  I've had it since I was a young girl.  Do you think I am able to put anything on it anymore?!  No.  But I display my cats there.

I resigned my apartment lease, so my carpets got cleaned this week.  I had to pick up everything off the floor.  Here is the couch pile.  Seriously Sabrina?!  On the side of the ottoman, on top of my laptop bag.

Sister cuddles
5.  This picture got me in a lot of trouble this week.  But I don't even care!!!  My Aunt Sally sent to my Mom.  It is a Polaroid my Grams took on Easter at her house in Nashville.  My brother is rolling his eyes at me.  I think it is hilarious.  I'm not even embarrassed by my 90's permed hair and hat.  I LOVED that dress, too.  I posted it on FB for Andy's birthday.  He was NOT happy.  His friends made fun of him on a group text.  I'm not afraid of my little brother.  So much so I am posting again on here.  Oh and Happy Birthday or whatever, Andy.  I miss this Andy.  34 year old Andy is no fun.

Maybe 1993-94??????
Thanks for reading!  Have a great weekend!!!

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  2. Hi Megan
    My name's Elle and I'm a fellow online blogger. I was looking to connect with you and collaborate. I couldn't find any contact details on your blog? If you are interested, please let me know how I can contact you. Thanks alot! Elle. P.s Why don't you keep updating your blog? It's really interesting :)
