Testing 1, 2...............
Oh hey! This thing still works. So let me catch you up to speed on my exciting life. If you forgot why I am a little absent from the blog, well I forgot too. Darn thing is as I get older, the worse my short term memory is. If you ask me to do something, I have to do it immediately. Because I am likely to get distracted by a bright, shiny object.
Get to the point, Megan. (You also start to talk to yourself as you get older.) So I am taking a class this fall and have about a month left. I won't get into all the boring details but that is how I spend a lot of my free time. It comes first. (You are being boring Megan.) But like I mentioned
in this post, when it is over..........the blog is going full force. I've really missed having this creative outlet.
Here are the top 5 things I have been up to.
1. I've been traveling home to see the family about once a month in Ohio. (About a 4-4.5 hour drive.) I. LOVE. MY. NIECES! Like it is crazy how much I adore them. Mom and I got to take them trick or treating. Who knew it was so much fun?! I dressed up as a witch. K#1 thought it was the funniest thing that I drew a 'wart' on my face. K#1 was a pirate fairy (last minute change from Elsa). K#2 was Olaf the snowman. She was just the cutest thing ever! I think everyone we passed on the sidewalk told me how cute she was. (Thank you I know.)
The best photo with the girls. Baby K was very interested in my hat. |
My love muffins |
I just kept saying Olaf, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf really fast to get her attention. I guess it was funny. |
'Meggie let's go already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Mom and I thought we were never going to get out the door. Can you spot the photobomber? |
Baby K's favorite part was holding the candy. She was happy as a clam. She also looks cold. I promise we had her all bundled up. |
Gammy and the girls at the Halloween party at their daycare. |
2. Here are a few more photos of my adorable nieces. I can't stop.
Katie at the apple orchard. I'm telling you she is ALWAYS happy! |
Big sister cooking eggies with Gammy. The girl LOVES her eggs. Will eat them off your plate, too. |
Our little fashionista |
4 going on 14 here |
3. My family has a lot of cracks in it. Sports related that is. Grew up in an Indiana University lovers house. Then I went to the enemy school......Purdue. (Boiler up!!!) And then my brother happened. Still trying to figure out where we went wrong with him. So my Mom put an IU bib on Baby K one day and something happened. It wasn't pretty.
Photo from Gammy, "I'm off to Bloomington for my college visit." | | |
Then this texting war began between Mom, me, Andy, and Stacey. Grey-Andy (the smart ass comments) and Mom. I'm in the blue.
WOW! It is hard for my brother. Being that he didn't go to a Big 10 school. I feel sorry for him. And I'm going to dis-own him the next time he puts down his birth state! He is so EMBARRASSING! He likes Ohio State. GASP!!!! (Yeah I left out 'the' in Ohio State. I'm a rebel. Take that!)
There is the Hoosier baby boy on the left. 1983. And Baby K on the right. Twins? You tell me. Poor thing got the big forehead, too. |
In all my silliness here, I must say I love my family. To the moon and back and then back again. Life just doesn't get any better than that.
4. I like to cook. I like to eat. I hate to do the dishes and clean up. But I like to cook and eat.
CHILI! I am really wishing I had some of this today on this very, very cold day. |
Chicken, broccoli, rice casserole. I wasn't too crazy about this. But I ate it for a week. |
Just an egg souffle. My Mom saw the picture and she said, "Where did you get that?" I said I made it! |
Potato soup. This was so easy to make. And I ate it for a week, too! |
5. I cut 2-3 inches off my hair. (I apologize for the bad selfies. I was trying to show you how long it was.) It feels like a hundred times better. I can't pull off long hair. I don't know why I try. It is super, super curly when short.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!! Stay warm!
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