
Friday, September 30, 2016

The story of Honey Grandpa

Memaw, Ma-Ma, Nana, Grammy, Gamma, Papaw, Pa-Pa, Grandad, what was the special name you had for your grandparents?  Grandma Carr, Grammy aka Grams, and Hoo-Hoo were the names we had for my grandparents.  (My paternal grandfather died before I was born.)  Hoo-Hoo was my maternal Grandpa.  A name my oldest cousin gave him.  Reason unknown.  I think maybe something to do with playing peak-a-boo with her....possibly??  My old mind escapes me.

When my parents found out they were going to be grandparents, they put a lot of thought into the names they wanted.  Mom liked Gamma.  She had heard it on the show ER.  It was Noah Wyle character's grandmother.  Gamma soon turned into Gammy by Miss Kylie when she was younger.  She likes the ie/y sound apparently at the end of our names because I am Meggie.  Meggggggieeeeee to be exact.

Dad on the other hand, we just couldn't find a name that he liked.  Gampy.  Grumpy.  Nothing was striking him.  So he just stuck with Grandpa.  Until he became Honey Grandpa.  Said more like Honey Granpa in a little northern accent.  Let me tell you how it came to be.

One morning, little Katie (almost 2 years at this point) was going to daycare with Gammy.  They were in the car backing out of the driveway.  Gammy apparently at some point had said, "Goodbye Honey" to Grandpa.  As they pulled away, Katie started saying, "Bye Honey Grandpa.  Bye Honey Grandpa."  And all the way to daycare she kept saying, "Bye Honey Grandpa."  And so Honey Grandpa just stuck.  Katie is obsessed with Honey Grandpa.  What is he doing, where did he go, when will he back........she will carry on until he is back in her eyesight.  We were at the county fair this summer and Honey Grandpa left early.  An hour later, she kept asking where Honey Grandpa was.  (I don't think he said a proper goodbye to her.)  I assured her he was safe and sound at home taking care of the puppy dogs.  At least 4-5 times.  She is just the cutest thing ever.  Now if you talk to her on the phone or Facetime, she wants to know where you are.  "Are you at home, Meggie?"  "Are you at your house, Gammy?"  She will be 3 in November.  She is something else.

Honey Grandpa just celebrated his birthday.  Here is my post from Facebook:

Happy 73rd birthday, Daddio! (He isn't allowed to have FB so he will never know I revealed his age.) I spend 95% of my time mad at him because we are the same stubborn person. But I love him to pieces anyway. My favorite things about him is he always loves me no matter what and making us all laugh. Now go have a martini in his honor. He would really want you to.

Honey Grandpa is always up for watching a little TV.  Peppa Pig, Sofia the First.
I told you we should have gone with Grumpy.  Please note bowl of jelly beans and dog paw.
Taken just this week at Gammy/Honey Grandpa sleepover.  Apparently she turned 8 years old overnight.
Another post all about my Daddio.