Let me just blow all the dust off this old thing! My goodness! It has been since January! Let me see if I remember how to do this...........
1. Let's start where I left off. I don't think I gave you a proper recap of our holidays. Is it too late for that? Let's pretend it just Christmas in July. Any excuse for me to show off my nieces.
We will start left and work our way clockwise. My beautiful tree. The girls with Santa. Katie being cute. Kylie going to Christmas tea. Me and Kylie making Christmas cookies. Gammy, me, Aunt Sally, and Kylie all at LS Ayres Christmas tea. |
Kylie opening gifts. She is an ole pro. Please notice the grumpy old man in the background, not paying attention, and on his phone. |
The whole family. Don't mind the 2 year old with no pants. Life is hard when you are 2. And so is potty training. |
I turned 26 (plus or minus 10 years.) I got to spend it with my 2 favorite girls. I was treated to a mani and a pedi as well as getting my hair done. The most perfect day. #spoiled |
I hope this elf returns next year. She puts on quite the show when she should be in bed. |
2. Somewhere in the midst of the cold hard winter, I discovered
Snapchat. Totally addicting app. My user name is
naptowndiva79 if you want to follow along.
Somewhere on a beach. |
There will always be lots of cats on my snap. |
Maybe even one playing a saxophone. |
Always a family affair. |
And filters that make me look 26. |
3. On March 15, in the wee small hours of the morning, my baby nephew Drew was born. He will get his own blog post very soon. But here is a sneak peek at his cuteness.
Happy Birthday, Drew Alan! |
Daddy and the big sisters |
Me and Baby Drew |
We think we will keep him because obviously he fits right in. |
Poor thing doesn't have a chance against these two. |
Drew and Mommy saying goodbye to Gammy at daycare. |
This is from earlier this week in his R2D2 outfit. Got to start them young on Star Wars. |
4. The month of March was extremely busy for our family. Kylie had a birthday, Drew was born, a wedding anniversary, and of course Easter.
This one turned 6 on March 12. No big deal...... |
On March 27 these lovebirds celebrated 45 years of marriage. |
We taught Katie how to dye Easter eggs. She enjoyed drinking it most of all. |
Our finished eggies. |
At the Easter buffet |
It is not a holiday unless someone dresses alike. |
5. I will finish this blog post up with some random pictures.
I decided to become an adult and buy new furniture. |
One of my dearest friends got married. We have known each other since we were in 8th grade. |
At dinner. It was such an honor to spend the day with her. |
Girls just wanna have fun! |
2 cool chicks |
I went to a comedy club and got to meet my favorite ginger, Matt Bellassi. We drank lots of wine and laughed until our sides hurt. |
Basically my most favorite picture of all time. All that swag in one pic. Gymnastics all the way! |
Memorial Day fun!
Baby Drew |
Kylie |
I bought a blow up pool for the girls and secretly me, too. We had a good time. |
Daddy and Drew |
L: First day of kindergarten. R: Last day of kindergarten. I am going to go cry now. |
That concludes my tour. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed reliving those moments. I have been sick with a nasty cold, bronchitis, allergies since Memorial Day. My life hasn't been too eventful in the last month except for a camping trip. I will share that with you soon. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Today I am linking up with: