
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Holiday Birthday

So today is my birthday!!!!  It is the 11th anniversary of my 25th birthday.  (You can do the math.)  It is my most favorite day of the year.  It is the one and only day where I can do what I want and hopefully get away with it.  You have to be nice to me and treat me like a princess.  (Of course if you ask my Mom, she would tell you this is also goes for every other day of the year.)

Would you like to hear my birth story?  Well there was an IU basketball on December 28, 1979.  Mom and Dad were up late watching.  Mom's water broke.  Went to the hospital and I was born the next afternoon.  Dad had to go home after I was born and finish painting my room.  It wasn't done because I was 2 weeks early.  (Mom has been trying to catch up with me ever since.)  The nurses sent me home in a Christmas stocking and so my little life began.  Mom and Dad got a surprise tax break in 1979.

I thought I would share with you my top 10 complaints (and maybe a few good points) of having a holiday birthday.  I have very strict rules and regulations for my family and friends.  (And thank you so much for following them.)  Lee asked me the other day why I get so bent out of shape over my birthday.  Well I just do.  I expect the very best on that day.  Plain and simple.  (Dramatic, much?!  Moi?  No way!)

Before I go on my rant, just remember I've had 36 years of birthdays.  I've got a lot of pent up anger.  Believe you me, my family knows the rules.  They try very, very hard to follow them.

1.  Your birthday gets forgotten.  Friends forget.  Co-workers forget.  The cashier at Target forgets.  I mean really?!  Is it too hard to ask for the red carpet to be rolled out for me?  (Of course not my immediate family.  They know better!)

2.  Your gifts get wrapped in Christmas paper.  My grandmother made this fatal mistake one year.  And gave me a special 'holiday' birthday card, too.  Let's just say she NEVER made that mistake again.  (Sorry Grams.  Don't strike me dead for telling that story.)

3.  Your gifts get combined.  I'll just buy you one gift and we will call it Christmas/Birthday.  Unless I give you permission to do that, then no.  Do I combine your Christmas gift with your birthday in June?  I don't think so!

4.  Hard to have a party or get together.  Everyone is busy with the holidays.  Growing up I never got to have a party with my friends on the actual day.  I always had to have it in January when things calmed down and people were home from visiting family.  It just wasn't the same.  Never got the chance to have a school party either.
My 20th birthday.  This was a great birthday.  A ton of friends and family went out to dinner and of course their was cake afterwards!  December 29, 2000.
5.  People are so burnt out from Christmas, they just don't have time for your birthday or really care.  They are still recovering from the holiday.  Did I not make an effort to come to your birthday dinner in August?  Did I not make you a cake?

My 30th (GASP) birthday.  I had a really, really nice dinner out with my 2 BFFs.  We had a really nice evening together.

6.  Birthdays are special to me.  Not just my birthday but I like to make my family and friends feel special on their big days, too.  Keep that momentum going from Christmas!  Let's have fun on the December 29!
Another great birthday!!!  I won a trip to Orlando through work to go see Purdue play in the Champs Bowl.  My brother and I went and had a really good time.  Florida for my birthday.....doesn't get any better than that!!!!!  December 29, 2006.

7.  I will always want a cake for my birthday.  I don't care if we still have Christmas leftovers.  I still want a pretty, non-holiday cake.  Period.  No exceptions.
It was my golden 29th birthday.  We only had a 2 and 6 candle.  I say close enough!
8. Since I'm so negative I have to end on a few high notes.  One being, I never had to go to school on my birthday.  That is a good thing.  I think I have only had to work once on my big day.  That is a win in my book.  (Not sure how I managed that.)

9.  For the longest time I didn't know my actual birth date.  Just that it was 4 days after Christmas.  It is what I heard my parents say.  Of course once I understood the calendar system, I learned the date.  Sometimes my birthday is still 4 days after Christmas when you ask.  Old habits.  I learned a new one this year.  I'm 4 days younger than Baby Jesus.  I heard/read somewhere someone talking about their birthday on Dec. 23.  They were joking and saying they were 2 days older than Jesus.  So I'm going with the I'm 4 days younger thing.

10.  Sometimes I get to spend my birthday with my relatives that live far away.  Either because they are coming and going or I am traveling to and from.  If my grandmother wasn't with us for Christmas, I always knew I would have her for my birthday.  Sometimes I get to see my cousins and aunt/uncle as they are traveling through Indianapolis.  So that is an extra bonus getting to celebrate a little with them, too.  They always make me feel special.
December 29, 2012.  A little cutie helping me blow out my candles.

BONUS:  I do share this birthday with some cool people.  One being my very good friend from high school Dawn.  One year we even had a joint birthday party, which was a lot of fun!!!!  Another is Chrystal who is a dear family friend.  She was born on my 5th birthday and we had some joint celebrations as well.  (Even have the home video to prove it.)  So if you ladies are reading this.............HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Me and Dawn on our 18th birthday.  1997.
Me and Dawn at our high school reunion in 2010

***It should be noted that these rants are not aimed at anyone.  This post is all in good fun.  I know I sound like a spoiled brat.  (Take that one up with my Mom and Dad.)  Hopefully if nothing else, this post made you laugh.

****It should be noted I originally wrote this post for December 29, 2014.  I guess I wasn't brave enough to post.  Being a sassy 36 I'm not afraid anymore.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas movies

One thing that really gets me in the mood for the holidays is a good Christmas movie.  I'm a sucker for the Hallmark Channel movies. My favorite one this is Murder She Baked: A Plum Pudding Mystery.

I have 3 movies though I must watch every year.  Christmas Vacation.......because it isn't Christmas until I see Chevy Chase sled down the hill and into the Walmart parking lot.  Or hear Uncle Eddie say, 'Shitter is full.'  Then I move on to a romantic, sappy movie.......Love Actually.  (I love seeing Andrew Lincoln before he became Rick Grimes the zombie fighter.)  I enjoy all the different story-lines going on in this film.  My last go to movie is, A Christmas Story.  I LOVE this movie.  It never gets old to me.  It just really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Last year I got the chance to go to the Christmas Story house.  For more on my trip check out my blog HERE.  We had a really fun time.  It really is just in the middle of a neighborhood and looks like it did in the movie.

Me and my niece

The infamous leg lamp
In Ralphie and Randy's room
Cooking in the kitchen.

What are some of your favorite holiday movies?

My blog post on the Christmas Story House.

For more information on visiting the Christmas Story House, go here.  It is located in Cleveland, Ohio.
Monday, December 14, 2015

The World According to a 5 Year Old

Today I would like to give you a little glimpse into life as a 5 year old.  The struggle is real.  Adults are always saying no.  Always making you eat weird food and going to bed early.  #roughlife  Here are some fun, absolutely true quotes and statements about my K#1.

1.  "I know.  I already knew that.  I know."  Ok gotcha!  I use to say the same thing to my Mom.  I understand now why she got annoyed.
So much sass in this picture.
 2.  "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit."  I'm pretty sure she said this to Grandpa when he was whining about his dinner.

These two are on the exact same age level.  Just saying!!!!  72 and 5 are a lot alike!

3.  "Just tell me what you are whispering about?  What does that spell?  Just tell me!"  Soon she will know how to spell and we won't be able to talk about her while she is in the room.  Whenever she asks us, I try and make up some outrageous story.  She typically buys it.  Or I just change the subject.

Innocent me?  Christmas 2014
 4.  "I don't have to go potty."  5 minutes later.  "I have to go potty."

I would never do that!!!  LIES!
5.  "The cold never bothered me anyway."  Okay Elsa from the movie Frozen.  But you still have to wear wear your coat outside.

Can you please buy this for me?
 6.  "Meggie I just love you.  Please move closer so I can see you everyday."  Ok.  No problem as I melted into a puddle right then and there.

She is always up for an adventure.
7.  "I know.  I know.  I know."  Whoops did I already mention that one?  I've heard this one a lot.

Lies!  All lies!
8.  If you promise me something, I will not let you forget.  Trust me.  I'll bring it up every chance I get.  "Meggie can we please play with this?  You promised!"

From Easter this year.

9.  Sometimes little white lies happen.  I swear!  See #4.

Not from this sweet, innocent girl!
10.  You are at a restaurant.  Everyone's food has arrived.  "I have to go potty."  Every. Single. Time.  A fight breaks out at the table because no one wants to take her.

She is a sweet angel.  Always standing up to Grandpa for me.  Girlfriend has my back.

Life is always a fun time when you are 5.  No responsibilities.  Naps are a thing of the past.  You are the height of your game.  But I beg you to stop growing up!  Because I swear it went from this:

March 13, 2010
To this in a blink of an eye!

November 1, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

High Five for Friday

Happy Friday to you!  I hope you all had a wonderful week.  Can you believe Christmas is just 2 weeks away?  The time flies between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I have a lot to catch you up on, so here goes.

1.  Thanksgiving.  How was yours Megan, you ask?  It was a real kick in the pants.  Cars dying, sickness, not everyone able to make the big feast...............the list goes on and on.  It wasn't anyone's fault.  Just the way things happen sometimes.  Mom had a terrible stomach bug pretty much all weekend.  We delayed Thanksgiving to Friday hoping she would feel like eating some.  Which she did but got sick again on Saturday.  So I spent the whole weekend at home.  I did get caught up on some sleep.  I got a little bit of time with the nieces so it wasn't all bad.  I am noticing a trend I do not care for.  Me doing most of the cooking.  (Mom does help.  Dad peeled potatoes.)  It is just exhausting and then no one wants to do the dishes.  Family can we PLEASE go out next year?!

I was so proud of my bird.  I take great pride in my work.
Our table.  So thankful.
This lil miss took great interest in helping me cook.  She did great with the pecan pie.  I was thrilled!!!
Sometimes you fall asleep before dinner is served.

The slumber party that did not happen.  The one on the left wouldn't lay down and had to go in the pack and play to sleep.  The one on the right joined me in my bed and literally climbed my back ALL NIGHT LONG!  She's a nut!

2.  Poor Baby K's birthday fell on Thanksgiving.  As a fellow holiday birthday girl, I wanted to make it special for her.  Mom ordered her an adorable cake.  (Grandpa picked it up and took all the credit.)  We had decorations and presents as well.  She made out like a fat pig........Peppa the Pig!  It is a cute show the girls are in to.  All the toys were Peppa and the cake and decorations were Bubble Guppies (another TV show.) Baby K was SOOOOO cute when we sang and gave her the cake.

Gammy helping

Big sister comes to help!
My Grandma Carr always gave the non birthday sibling a gift to me and my brother growing up.  So of course Big Sister needed a Peppa the Pig.
Happy Birthday to you!
Honey I gave her a big piece and let me tell you.  She ate almost all of it.  Of course she only had a roll for dinner.  It is tuff being 2!
3.  If you follow me on any of the social media sites, you know I am Martha Stewart's protege.  I had my house decorated for the holidays before I left for Thanksgiving.  I got my parents done and helped my friend Lee do his.  I LOVE to do it.  Here is some of my work.  I will do a full blog overview in the future of all my Christmas decor.

We three trees................These are the 3 I did.  Mine is on the far left.  It takes about 3-4 hours to do.  9 strands of lights and tons of ornaments.  If you didn't know I love the color pink because it just makes me happy.  Mom and Dad's is in the middle.  And Lee's is on the right.
Miss Bailey under the tree.  It is her first Carr Christmas!!

4.  I like to eat.  I like to eat out.  This week I tried 2 new restaurants.  The first one is King Ribs BBQ.  My co-worker and I went for lunch.  Rib Tips special for just $8.68.  I am drooling just looking at these pictures again.

Rib tips with potato salad and coleslaw.

The second place I tried was Harry and Izzy's.  For those of you local to Indy, you know this is a spin-off of the famous St. Elmo's Steakhouse.  I went for a friend's birthday.

Floor to ceiling wine cellar
Their famous shrimp cocktail
Wedge Salad
Prime Rib and Fried Green Tomatoes
Brownie sundae


Birthday girl
Elizabeth and Ellen
Me and Lee

So now I am not going to be eating until the holidays after this delicious week of food.  And my wallet is quite empty!!!  Tis the season!

5.  And because he is already mad at me for posting this picture on social media, I am going to share here.  My Dad and his love.  Bailey.  She ADORES him.  And he's just a cranky, old man.  I guess he has a thing for blondes.  Because every blonde dog we have ever had, loved him the best.  Sometimes Bailey is the only one who likes him.................I kid!!!!  Like I said he's a cranky, old man.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Today I am linking up with: