
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Apartment Tour

So I moved back at the end of April.  I left downtown city life for a more quiet, calmer life in the Broad Ripple greater area of Indy.  (Broad Ripple is kind of a cool, hip area.  Lots of local restaurants and bars.)  This post is loonnnggg over due.  I am blaming some minor health issues and lack of motivation to clean my apartment to picture worthy standards.  Also I just recently hung the pictures on my walls.  Moving is hard, okay?!  My Mom and niece came to visit last weekend.  That gave me motivation to clean and get everything perfect.

Before I reveal my new digs, there are a few things you should know first.  I like pink.  I also like the Eiffel Tower.  (Yes I have been there.)  I have 2 cats.  They have lots of belongings.  I like pink.  My furniture doesn't match.  It is kind of a hodge podge of things I have gotten over the years or inherited.  But it works for me.
The living room.  That is the front door to the right.

Living room.  That screen to the left blocks the cat litter box.  Girls needs their privacy.
TV from my spot on the recliner.
Hallway to bathroom and bedroom.
This could be a dining room area.  I got rid of my dining room table several years ago.  I found I didn't use it.

View from my recliner.  That pink lamp was my Grandmother's.  It is my most prized possession.  If there ever is a fire, I'm going in for it.
View from my deck.  It is so pretty!  And quiet.
Deck chairs.  I haven't done much out here.  No plants.  Because I truly have such a black thumb!!!
Living room at large
Kitchen.  At first I thought this kitchen would never work.  But it is actually the perfect size.  To the left I have a HUGE pantry.  I have been able to fit everything in here.
Kitchen from another view.  That black thing is my dishwasher.  Tiniest dishwasher in the whole world but I can fit a lot in.
Hallway.  Picture on the right is me and my grandparents at my baptism.  My Grandpa baptized me.  Also another prized possession.
Bathroom.  Shower is to the right.
Hallway back to bedroom.  Linen closet is to the right.
Bedroom.  That is Callie on the bed.  Sabrina is under the bed.  They were scared because I had just vacuumed.
Bedroom.  I am standing in front of my walk in closet.  Don't mind my dirty clothes hamper.
Bedroom/Desk area.  That is a cat toy on the floor.
This concludes the tour.  For my safety, I'm not going to reveal the name of my new complex.  But if you want to private message me, I would be happy to share.  I really love my new place.  They have great amenities.
Like a playground for visiting nieces.
Kid approved!
And a salt water pool for these mermaids.