Happy Friday to you! Are you ready for the weekend? I believe it is going to rain all weekend here in Indianapolis. Remnants of Tropical Storm Bill. Dangit Bill! You are always busting my chops! And quite frankly you are kind of annoying. But thanks for keeping my car clean. (FYI my Dad's name is Bill. This is kind of directed at him, too.) Here are the top 5 things from the last couple of weeks.
1. In case you live under a rock, Orange is the New Black (OITNB) came out last Friday. I was home in Ohio with the family and decided I could wait to start the binge watching until I returned home. My 5 year old niece asked if she could watch it with me. Ummmmmmmmm let me think about that for 1 second. NO! I won't even let my Mom watch it! Once my OITNB binge watching buddy Lee gave me the green light to go ahead, I looked around and saw my nieces were gone on Sunday. Mom and Dad were watching the Cavs game, so off I went. I finished Tuesday night.......Whoops! It just happened. It is that addicting. Can't wait for season 4 to come out in a year................................
2. Last weekend I found myself in Norwalk visiting my family. Mom and Dad were going to have the nieces all weekend and it was the week before Father's Day. I decided why not?
Big sis, little sis. Monkey see, Monkey do. |
I just die of too much adorableness when I see this face! |
She looks exactly like her Daddy! It freaks me out sometimes. They are twins. #bigforeheadsunite |
I promised her something here if she would smile nicely. Must have been worth it. LOL. |
Bubbles! |
Yogurt face |
Swimming. First of all, I am getting BURNED to a crisp in this picture. Never mind that I have 50spf on. That's Baby K just jumping right off in the deep end to me. NO FEAR that one! NONE! K#1 is an excellent swimmer. More on that to come. |
3. My sister in law took these pictures. So sorry Stacey! I just had to share. She is SOOOO adorable! I can't stand it. K#1 is on the local swim team in Norwalk. She is the youngest member. Her Aunt Erin is the coach. She had her first swim meet on Thursday. Swam the whole length of the pool. I was so proud when I saw the video! Mom, Dad, and all K#1's Aunts are swimmers. It is in her blood.
Eat my bubbles |
4. Two weekends ago I went to visit my friend Ryan in southern Indiana. He was dog/cat sitting for my Aunt and Uncle. (I know small world, huh!) I needed to get away from the city, get some fresh air, and enjoy some good company.
Pond in their backyard |
This is Franklin. Frank as I like to call him. It was my first time meeting him. He gets a little nervous when meeting new people but once he gets to know you, it is all over. He is such a sweetheart. We played ball outside and snuggled on the couch together. I think Ryan may have gotten a little jealous! LOL. |
Of course whenever I am there I have to go to this Amish Store that is right outside town. I hadn't been there for several years and was pleasantly surprised it had doubled in size. I got lots of goodies. Bread, Amish butter, horseradish cheese just to name a few things. Ryan got us some delicious donuts. It has a deli, too so I got a garlic bologna sandwich. Oh was it good!
On Sunday Ryan and I decided to go to Ikea in West Chester, Ohio. If you haven't gone before, I highly recommend it. It is a HUGE home goods warehouse with very affordable prices. It can be overwhelming at times but it is hard to come out empty handed.
That is my bag full of stuff and a TV stand that Ryan bought. GoGo Kia Soul! |
My bag of goodies. I don't like pink or anything. |
5. And to end on a funny note......Mom sent this text earlier in the week and said, "Gary is having a bad hair day." That is our nickname for Baby K. As in Gary Busey.
Girlfriend can't help it. Went to bed with wet hair, has curly hair, and the humidity! She's so darn cute! |
Hope that you have a fantastic weekend!!!!! Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. To read my Father's Day blog post from last year,
go here. I love my Dad something fierce!
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