
Thursday, February 26, 2015

9 Signs I'm Smarter Than The Average Person

Sometimes the weirdest things will inspire a blog post.  For me it was this latest MSN article.  9 science-backed signs you're smarter than average person.  I had to see how smart I was.

1.  You don't smoke.  Nope I sure don't.
2.  You took music lessons.  Yes and yes.  I took piano lessons growing up.  I really did enjoy it but I never practiced.  Although I really wish I still had my piano.  I think I would take it up again.  I also played the violin.  Funny story on how that came to be.  (Especially since I always wanted to play the flute.)  I had a terrible 6th grade teacher.  In order to get out of class, I signed up to play the violin.  I played from 6th grade until my freshman year of college.  I've thought about selling my violin but I just can't bare to part with it.
3.  You're the oldest child.  Yes and the only child.  Whoops I mean I have a younger brother.  He doesn't know that I exist though.
This kid keeps showing up for family events.  I have no idea who he is.
4.  You're thin.  HAHAHA I will leave that one alone.  But I am in the picture above!
5.  You have a cat.  Yes and I am an overachiever on this one.  I have 2 cats.  Finally being a crazy cat lady is paying off!  They make me smarter.

6.  You were breast-fed.  God bless my Mother.  Yes I was.  Although honestly I think it is all about the time you spend with your child.
7.  You drink alcohol.  I don't mind the occasional glass of wine.

Nice glass of Moscato.  Which promptly put me right to sleep on New Years.
8.  You're left handed.  I lose at this one.  Although I can write with my left hand pretty well.  I'm not ambidextrous but I'm pretty close.
9.  You're tall.  Heck yes I am!  5'10"!!!!!!  My Grandfather was 6'4" and my Dad is 6'.  Did you know, that when I hug my Mom, she fits right under my chin.  Isn't that cute?!  My brother and I are exactly the same height.  (Again who?)

So I got 7 out of 9.  How about you?

Original article can be found here.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015


If you follow me on FB or Twitter, you saw my post on this video by BigCatDerek.  He's dancing to 'Uptown Funk' by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson.  With a few big cats in the background.  Check it out.

Who exactly is BigCatDerek?  Just my favorite YouTuber/Viner, ever.  I will admit, I've never been a real fan of watching YouTube videos or Vine.  (I'm weird like that.)  But one day I came across a vine that BigCatDerek did and I've been hooked to his webcasts ever since.

BigCatDerek (or Derek Krahn) and his wife run and great organization called Care Rescue in Bridgeport, Texas.  C.A.R.E. (Center for Animal Research and Education) is primarily a big cat rescue for snow leopards, mountain lions, African lions, tigers, black and spotted leopards.  It is also home to some ring-tail lemurs, a coati, a super adorable 3-legged llama, some house meows, and dogs.  (Oh and some humans live there, too.  Not nearly as important.)  C.A.R.E. started out as a place where people could board their big cats.  (Which why anyone would think a tiger would make a good pet is beyond me.  Common sense, folks!)  It soon became a rescue for these animals who came from all different circumstances.  C.A.R.E. provides a safe, loving environment for these animals to live.  It truly is amazing the work they do.

Mwali.  Saying, 'WHERE IS MY HAIR GEL!!!'


Dahlia.  The fastest 3 legged llama in all the world!!!!!

Every Tuesday and Thursday, #BigCatDerek posts a #WATC (Walk Around the Compound) video to his YouTube channel.  I love Derek's sense of humor and how the cats react to him.  On a side note, NO one enters the areas with the big cats in them.  No petting, cuddling, kissing, hugging allowed.  Absolutely not.  While the cats may appear harmless and absolutely adorable, they can turn into a killing machine in an instance.  And again goes back to that ole common sense.  The only 'big' cats they are ever around are the beebees (baby lion cubs) or the teegees (baby tiger cubs). 

Zuberi the lion cub.  Don't die from cuteness.

One of the newest residents, a teegee, Slade.  Sorry.  I know your computer just crashed from cuteness.
I've been following along now for probably 4-5 months.  The videos and Derek's jokes never get old.  I have learned so much about big cats and never realized how much I really like them.  (Oh goodness.  Crazy cat lady alert!)

Flash laying in his empty pumpkin bobbing pool.

All photos are 110% taken from Derek's instagram page.  If Indiana and Texas weren't so far apart, I could take my own darn pics.  So for a look more into Derek, C.A.R.E., and the big cats, check out his social media sites below.  If you are ever in the Bridgeport Texas area, go take a tour for me!

Follow BigCatDerek

BigCatDerek Merchandise

Follow CARE

Monday, February 9, 2015

Vanity Plates

Over the past year I've been collecting some interesting vanity plate pictures and thought I would share them with you.  Do you have a fun vanity plate?  I always enjoy trying to figure out what they mean.

My vanity plate.  Purdue and 3 for 2003. 
2 Dads is better than one.  I'm all about equal rights for everyone and loved seeing this.  They are probably better parents than some of the crazies out there.

Crazy cat lady alert!  Hope she doesn't have 83 cats.

An electric car.

Well if they get a waffle plate, I want a pancake one!!!

I'm assuming you are a pilot.

"My autistic kid will LICK your honor roll student."  LOVE IT!!!!
My best friend's name is Lee.  I sent this to him asking if he got a new car.  LOL
'Poodles are just little furry people!'  I've met very few friendly poodles.
I was with my Daddio when I saw this.  He says they were in the Army.  Then yelled at me for using my phone while driving.

My first vanity plate.  For Sigma Kappa my sorority.  My car was the official SigKapmobile

Now they hang on my office wall.  I now have an official Indiana Purdue plate.
Happy Monday to you!
Friday, February 6, 2015

Christmas recap

So seeing how it is February and all, I thought I might get around to sharing Christmas pictures with you............screech.  I'm a little late I know.  I haven't felt really motivated to blog lately.  Nothing really that interesting has been going on.  (That is a good thing!)  I always find January to be such a boring month.  After the excitement of the holidays, it is kind of a let down.  And the weather stinks.  Although here in Indianapolis we have been so fortunate with our weather.  Not a lot of snow or ice.  Some cold temps but nothing we couldn't handle.  I will take it!!

Christmas was fine.  If I remember correctly, no one was majorly sick.  I only threw one tantrum and recovered quickly.  I was so fortunate to be home for a week and enjoyed my time.  But I was ready to come back and get back in the swing of things.

Me and Baby K on Christmas Eve

K#1 on Christmas Eve.  Her dress was so cute!  The house was covered in glitter but who cares!
Ready to eat!!!
That is my Dad reading the Christmas story at church.  He had it memorized as any OCD person would do.  Mom told him to just read it and NOT perform it.  Well let's just say he didn't listen.  He-he.
Santa arrived late Christmas Eve.  His elves enjoyed watching the Christmas Story and wrapping gifts until the wee hours of the morning.  And one certain elf always tricks the other one into wrapping all her gifts.  I think her name starts with M and ends in M with a O in the middle.  It is tradition.
Queen Elsa on Christmas.  Playing with her sister's toys.  Seemed to be a theme with her.
Story time with Gammy and apparently Jealous Pants Casey.
Slumber party with the big girls!!!
Helping me make cookies.
Making cookies
Got out all my American girl dolls and holiday Barbies.  These are just a few.
A life size Elsa at Target.  Too bad Christmas was over.
Selfie with K#1 and my American Girl doll, Molly.
Selfie with Baby K.  Looks just like her Daddy here.  I can't stand it.
I had a birthday.  25 plus or minus a few years...........................
Somebody really, really, really liked the cake.

I don't know why I didn't lick my plate!
A little blurry but I think she liked it.

Hope you had a happy holiday season!  TGIF!!!  Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Sweet Annie

Sweet Annie
Sweet Annie
Can I stay with you a while
Cause this roads been putting miles on my heart,
Sweetheart I've been livin in a fantasy
But one day Lightning will strike
And my bark will lose it's bite
But don't give up on me
Sweet Annie.
-Zac Brown Band-

I want to tell you the story of a dog named Annie Sofia Carr.  Aka Annie Bananie.  We only got to spend a year with her.  It just wasn't enough time.  But it is all we needed for her to change our lives.

Annie was adopted by my parents from a great organization called Cherished Cockers.  In fact Mr. Casey (aka KK) also was adopted from the rescue.  Let me be the first to tell you.  There is nothing better than a rescue pet.  Some of the most loyal, lovable animals you will ever meet.
Casey Oliver.  Yes we give our pets middle names.  His should really be Ornery.  He looks innocent but he is spoiled rotten!

Miss Libby passed away in the fall of 2013.  To say she left a void in our family, is an understatement.  Libby was my dog.  (Meaning she loved me the best.  We had a special connection.)  After she was gone, things were really quiet.  No one to run the household and keep tabs on everyone's comings and goings.  She was the alpha dog and Casey was kind of lost without her.  We were all quite heartbroken by her passing but knew Mr. KK needed another friend.  Mom wasn't ready yet but was checking out Cherished Cockers website every once in awhile.

Liberty Belle.  AKA Miss Libby 2001-2013

In January a dog named Annie became available.  I wish I still had a copy of her adoption story.  It made me sob.  Annie was estimated to be about 5-6 years old.  She lived on a farm with an old man who kept her pinned up outside.  She lived outside during the Polar Vortex in West Virginia.  During that time she had a litter of puppies and all but one died.  The rescue came in to save her puppy and tried to take Annie, too.  The old man would not let them take her.  They kept coming back to bring Annie hay and blankets to stay warm.  Finally the man allowed the rescue to take her.  Annie made her way to the Cleveland area and lived with a very sweet foster family.  Mom and Dad were automatically approved for adoption since they had a history.  And one cold day in January, Annie became a Carr.
One of the first pictures we got of her.  Her foster family was so sweet and good to her!
Annie before being rescued.
Annie before being rescued.  We just recently saw this picture for the first time.
Annie happens to be the name of my great grandmother, so in my eyes it was meant to be.  Sofia is from Sofia the First which at the time was my niece's favorite Disney princess.  Annie and Casey became friends immediately and she fit right in.  We weren't sure how she would react to my nieces, K#1 and then Baby K.  K#1 was a very active 3 year old at the time and a lot to take in for a dog.  (For Grandpa, too.  Ha-Ha!)  But Annie did not notice.  She was not bothered one bit.  And even as Baby K grew up that year, she wasn't fazed by her either.  The girls were allowed to touch her toys, pet her, lean on her, chase her, Annie Bananie didn't care.  I don't think the dog would hurt a fly.  Dad claims to only have heard her maybe bark one time.  (Not kidding!)

I LOVE this picture!  We couldn't find her one night.  We looked everywhere.  She had gone inside K#1 princess tent and was asleep on the blow up bed.  I can't handle!!!
Annie loved sunbaths.  Eating and more eating.  If I was at home and asked to feed her, I always gave her a full cup of food instead of a half.  (Sssshhhh don't tell!)  Girlfriend loved to eat.  She enjoyed many naps on the sofa with her favorites, Dad and Casey.  She adored my Dad!!!!  Why, I don't know.  He's a grumpy, OCD, old man.  She followed him around and always waited for him while he was in the garage.  I loved the bond they had.

Having a sun bathe.
Annie developed a cough late summer, early fall.  (I think???)  It started out slow and got worse and worse.  The vet treated her for everything.  And I mean everything!!  Antibiotics and cough medicine were taken.  Possible hernia, pneumonia, and in the last week we thought maybe a fungal infection.  The x-ray of her lungs did show something but without further invasive testing they weren't sure.  The vet didn't think it was cancer because she was so young.  The cough was terrible.  Her whole body would shake and she would just gag.  It was almost like something was stuck.  She continued to eat and act like herself.  But in the last week her desire to eat declined and in her final day she didn't even try.  Late on Sunday night, Mom and Dad were sitting with her.  Dad was just loving on her.  He let her outside and she used the restroom.  She came back in and just collapsed on the floor.  And that was it.  She was gone.

I have always heard that God doesn't give you more than you can handle.  Annie came into my parents lives for a reason.  It was only for a year.  And it just wasn't fair.  She had such a hard life and she deserved more.  My parents did everything in their power to help her.  But I find so much comfort now knowing she is not suffering anymore.  That we all were able to love and spoil her.  As my Aunt told me, 'Annie got to experience real love.'

I know you may think, why are you writing about a dog.  It is just an animal.  Well in my world, I was raised from day one with dogs in my house.  I don't know any other way.  My family always treats them like members of the family.  Pets give us so much more than we even realize.  They show undying love and compassion.  They don't judge us.  They just love us.  It is a beautiful thing.  I wanted to share her story with you because it deserves to be told.  Annie I hope you and Miss Libby and all our dogs before you are in heaven living the life you always dreamed of.  Thank you for gracing our lives with your presence.  You will never be forgotten.

My 4 year old niece says Libby and Annie are going to be best friends.  I happen to think she is right.  Such a wise little girl.

Annie at her foster home

First picture Mom sent me of Annie as they brought her home.
A welcome sign my Dad made.  The ole man has a big heart.

Her first night home.  She only slept here one night before moving to a big king bed.

Facetiming with Annie for the first time.

Someone found their new bed.
Already on her first day becoming a Daddy's girl.  And sitting on the couch like a princess.
Daddy's girl.  You can barely see Mr. Jealous Pants Casey there, too.

Is that not the cutest thing?!  They were asleep.

When you are tired you are tired!
Cuteness overload!

Lots of belly rubs.  You could always pick her up and snuggle.  She didn't mind.

Her favorite spot was Mom's chair in the afternoon.

Kind of blurry but watching Mom do the dishes.

Snuggles in the bathroom.

Girl's day as my niece says.  Playing outside.  Girls only!

Annie's Christmas present.  A purse that says, 'I love you!'

Another Christmas toy.  Gumby.  He wasn't a big hit.  My nieces like him better.

Her favorite spot.  We would always see the tree shake and knew Annie was getting comfy.  It was her first Christmas.