
Friday, August 29, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hiya!!!  Thanks for stopping by.  TGIF!  It is payday and a long weekend for me.  I'm looking forward to some time off.  This has been a slow news week in 'Megan' world.  (Which is a good thing!)  But here are a few highlights for the week.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

1.  Do you have big Labor Day plans?  I'm heading home to Norwalk, Ohio to visit my family.  I haven't been home since mid July.  I am excited to see all my family members.

2.  So excited to see these faces!
I'm telling you.  This one.  She is too smart for her own good.  She is a little Mommy and a little Meggie in the making.
She is the happiest baby EVER!  Thanks Andy for the pic.
Somebody is learning how to pull herself up.  And always smiling!!  Photo is from Gammy.
3.  My good friend from high school sent me this picture.  Thanks Elizabeth!  I'm thinking it was somewhere between 1993-1995????  We were hanging out in Liz's room. I remember this day like it was yesterday.

That was my favorite shirt!!!  My obsession with Paris started at an early age.

4.  A random high five.  (I told you I was struggling for news this week!)

There is nothing better than a summer storm.  Indy and Mother Nature put on some pretty amazing lightning storms this week.  (I know my view is terrible.  He-he.)

 And some cat pictures.....................#crazycatlady
I call this 'Cat in a Tub'.  Nosy girl!!  I haven't gone to the bathroom alone since Sabrina arrived 6 years ago.
This is how we roll on rainy days.  Cuddles in the recliner.  My two faced kitty with pointy ears.
5.  My last high five of the week is a funny story.  On Tuesday, I went to our corporate office across the street for a health screening.  (We get a little discount on our insurance if we do this.)  It takes less than 10 minutes to do.  No big deal.  So I start to go through the screening and was asked to take off my shoes so they could get my height.  I was dressed up that day and had on these cute sandals.
Was wearing these shoes but in black.
The problem is they aren't exactly easy to put on.  (I don't unfasten.  I slip on and pull over my heel.)  Well as I went to put them back on.............wouldn't you know the strap broke!!!  And these aren't the kind of shoes you can wear if a strap is loose.  They don't work like flip flops.  I finish up the screening and walk out into the hall in my bare feet.  I panic.  I don't know what to do.  I'm in the corporate building where our president is.  I just can't walk through the lobby with no shoes on!  I go into the bathroom and put my one good shoe on.  I try to figure out a way to make the other one work.  I tried tying the strap together but it doesn't work.  Here I am, stuck in the bathroom with one shoe.  I need to walk through the main lobby, to the elevators, take up to the 4th floor, walk across the bridge to my building, up the elevator to the 6th floor, and down the hallway to my office.  I mean really, Megan!!!  How do you get yourself into these messes??!!!

I creep out of the bathroom with only one shoe on.  I peek down the hallway and don't see anyone.  I walk down the hallway quickly.  I get to the main lobby and throw my broken shoe down.  I slip it on and slide across the lobby floor to the elevator.  At this point only about 4 people see me.  I hit the elevator button and race in.  My shoe falls off as I hit floor #4.  Thank goodness I'm alone.  When I arrive on the 4th floor I take the shoe off and just start walking as quick as I can.  I see a man in front of me and slow down so he doesn't see me.  He gets into an elevator and is gone.  I make it across the bridge and head straight for the elevator.  (I'm almost there!!!)  A man gets out in a hurry.  I don't think he notices me.  I take the elevator up alone to the 6th floor.  I get out.  It is lunch time at this point, so I see a lot of people walking into the cafeteria at the end of the hall.  At this point I don't care anymore.  These people know me.  I race down to my office door and I am finally safe!!!!  I throw the shoes across my office in disgust.  Luckily I keep a pair of tennis shoes at work and put them on.  They don't go with my outfit but at this point I don't care.  Next time I won't be wearing sandals to my health screening!  That is what I get for trying to look nice.

I'm linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

What I'm Watchin Wednesday: Big Brother 16

One of my guilty pleasures each summer is watching Big Brother.  I have watched all 16 seasons.  Okay I just aged myself!  Anyway I am so addicted.  I just discovered Big Brother After Dark on TVGN. 2-3 hours a night of watching the house guests do nothing?!  Now that is good TV.....hehe.

So if you aren't familiar with Big Brother let me give you a brief recap.  16 strangers enter a house equipped with lots of camera and microphones to film their every move 24/7.  Every week the house guests compete in several challenges.  The first is the HOH (head of household).  As HOH they nominate 2 people for eviction.  The second competition is the POV (power of veto).  In a POV competition, the HOH, 2 nominees, 3 random drawn house guests compete.  Whoever wins the POV then has the power to remove one of the nominees.  On Thursday they do a live show and house guests vote to evict one of the nominees.  Big Brother's motto is, "Expect the unexpected."  And yes there are a lot of twists in the game.

Big Brother living room
At the beginning of the season I always dislike everyone on there.  It always seems like everyone is young, beautiful, in great shape, and single.  Reminds me of MTV's Real World.  About mid-season I get into it more.  By the end I can't wait to find out who wins.  I have a love/hate relationship with Big Brother.  My Mom stopped watching the show many moons ago for these very reasons.

Back L-R:  Devin, Donny, Frankie, Cody.  Front L-R:  Amber, Nicole, Paola, Joey

Back L-R:  Zach, Hayden, Caleb, Derrick.  Front L-R:  Jocasta, Victoria, Christine, Brittany
If you are not a Big Brother fan then I'm sure this blog post is boring.  If not I would love to hear what you think so far.  Here is what I think of the remaining 8 house guests.

Caleb:  Beast Mode Cowboy!  Goodness he is probably one of my favorites.  Not hard on the eyes either.  I think he may have a chance to make it to the final 3.  If he keeps his mouth shut.
Cody:  Also not hard on the eyes.  I think he is the biggest flirt in the house.  I do like Cody but haven't seen a lot of game playing from him.  He is a strong competitor in the competitions.  Everyone loves him.
Derrick:  I really like Derrick.  He acts like a respectable family man and cop.  He has played a really good game.  I would like to see him win and really think he has a chance.  He has befriended everyone in the house and he needs to be careful what he tells them.
Donny:  When I first saw Donny, I thought he would be gone week one.  I was wrong.  Donny is a huge Big Brother fan and he knows how to play this game.  He is a very likable guy.  I wish he would shave the beard just once! People don't give him enough credit.  He is well aware of what is going on in the house.
Frankie:  Some days I like Frankie.  Some days I find him so annoying.  I think he made a bad move last week in getting his BFF Zach evicted.  He is a little full of himself at times but has played a great game.  I think he does have a chance to making it to the end. He's burned a lot of bridges so I'm not sure he will win.
Christine:  Where do I begin?  She betrayed her BFF Nicole and threw her under the bus.  She threw Donny under the bus.  She plays all sides of the house and lies, lies, lies.  She is MARRIED and flirts with Cody terribly.  I sit there with my mouth on the floor as she plays with Cody's hair or rubs his back, arm, hand, or leg.  I'm just absolutely shocked at how she acts.  I have no respect for her.  She needs to go.
Victoria:  First off.  She needs to either brush her hair, get rid of the extensions, or put it in a ponytail.  It always looks like a hot mess.  And is she even playing the game?  What exactly does she do?  All I've seen her do is sleep, stare at people, and eat.  I never see her talk to anyone.
Nicole:  I really wanted Zach to win the chance to come back in the house.  But I'm not disappointed Nicole returned.  At first I thought she was pretty naive but she tried to get Frankie out.  It cost her getting voted out but I respect her for trying to make a big move.  I don't think she will make it to the end since she is a 'return' house guest.  But I would love to see a female make it to the end!!!!

Fun facts I've found by watching Big Brother After Dark:
-The house guests eat break and bake cookies every single night.  (This could be why some look a little plumper and have lost their six packs.)
-They tend to snack more than sit down and eat a meal.  They eat very random things.
-They play a lot of pool.
-I rarely see them use their pool/hot tub.
-I haven't seen anyone work out.  (Usually there are several that really get into it.)
-They don't have a dishwasher.
-They sleep at the most random times and stay up all night.
-They can't sing.  Not that they don't have good voices but production won't let them.  Something about copyrights.
-They really have NO clue what is going on in the outside world.
-Nicole returning from the jury house has given the house guests some insight on how things work.  The jury house is a gorgeous mansion where they stay with their 'handlers' after being evicted.  They are allowed to order in and watch movies.  Of course still no communication with the outside world.
-They get a weekly stipend.  They are allowed to make special requests for food, toiletries, medicine, etc.
-Production is watching them at all times.  (I saw one crew member's reflection in a window last night.  He was watching them cook.  Freaked me out!)
-If they do something wrong, a voice comes over the loudspeaker reprimanding them.  "Victoria please clean the bathroom."  "Frankie please stop singing."  "Christine please stop talking about production."  That would be super annoying to hear all day/night.

I would love to be on Big Brother.  In my younger days I even thought about applying.  I would need to get in better physical shape. I could sit around all day talking about others and come up with ways to get people evicted.  Ummmm no problem!  In my free time I could tan, swim, and sleep.  Sounds perfect to me.  I'm not sure though I could go 3 months without talking to my family or using the Internet.  And sharing one toilet for all those people.......ummmm ewwww!

**All pictures from**

Monday, August 25, 2014

30 things I've learned in my 30s

I'm not ashamed to admit it!  I'm 34 and holding.  GASP!  When did I get so old?  I thought it would be fun to share 30 things that I have learned so far in my 30s...............

I will be celebrating my 5th anniversary of my 29th birthday in December.
30 Things I've Learned in my 30's

1.  I'm stronger than I think I am.
2.  A good day is never getting out of my pajamas.
3.  Family is everything.
4.  My parents were/are always right.  Whether I'm 5, 10, 16, 21, 25, 34 they are always right.
5.  I use to have a mind like an elephant.  Now I can't remember what floor I parked my car on.
6.  I didn't know what I was talking about in my 20's.
7.  I am much wiser in my 30's.
8.  My idea of a fun Friday/Saturday night is ordering in and watching TV.
9.  Going out means running errands and doing other adult things.  Ain't nobody have time or money for the bars.  (I never went much anyway.)
10.  I see my mother in the mirror when I look at my reflection.  I also hear her when I speak. 
11.  It just doesn't matter what others think.  It matters what I think.
12.  I ache/hurt in places I never knew existed.
13.  I love children.  I really do.  Love my nieces.  But I don't think I want my own.  I'm too selfish and I love my sleep.  Parents are saints.
14.  Friends come and go but family is forever.
15.  No wearing pajamas in public anymore.  I might have gotten away with it in college, but not now.
16.  The dishes/laundry/cleaning are never done.
17.  Teenagers/young adults look like they are 12.  I certainly never looked that young!

18. We are all in this rat race together.
19.  Stuff is just stuff.  It doesn't matter who makes it or where I buy it.  I want a bargain!
20.  I actually want to read or listen to the news.
21.  I never have worried more about money in my life.
22.  Did I mention family is everything?
23.  My parents really did know what they were talking about back in the day.  (Worth saying twice.)
24.  I don't get carded anymore.  I officially look old enough to purchase adult drinks.

25.  Life is unfair and cruel.  Mistakes happen.  But admitting you were wrong and learning from your mistakes......that is what shapes you.
26.  Sometimes I just really miss my grandparents.
27.  Time to plan for the future.
28.  Having the talk with your parents about what to do when they die.  And then crying hysterically because there is NO way they are that old yet.
29.  Be kind.  Be nice.  To everyone.  Because you never know what the other person is going through.
30.  Realizing 40 is just around the corner.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hey, hey, hey!  Thanks for stopping by.  High five for Friday is where I tell you 5 highlights from my week.  This week seemed to go pretty fast for me.  Can you believe September is right around the corner?!  Craziness!!!!

1.  Have you been nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge?  My lovely, younger, annoying, brother nominated me.  I mean, really?!!!!  C'mon now.  I'm old!  My heart just can't handle this.......LOL I'm kidding.  If you want to see my video just go Wednesday's blog post.  I went all out.  I thought if I'm doing this, I'm using a lot of ice.  I saved up from my freezer for a whole day.  The problem was I live on the 11th floor of a 11 floor apartment building in downtown Indianapolis.  I don't exactly have access to outdoor space.  Luckily my friend DeeDee and her husband Russ helped me.  (DeeDee said she would help if I promised not to nominate her.  How did she know??)  It was a fun Tuesday night of ice water dumping, SkipBo playing, and watching a summer storm roll in.  Thanks to DeeDee for filming and Russ for dumping the bucket on my head.  I was too chicken to do it on my own.

I told you I used a lot of ice.
Me and my cooler full of ice
Russ said he poured it nice and slow.  Uh huh!!
The aftermath
I'm sad to report 2 of my nominees failed to do the challenge.  Kind of a bummer.  But my friend Elizabeth (who I nominated) was already doing her challenge basically at the exact same time I did mine.  Great minds think alike!

2.  I'm not really sure how I can top the ice bucket challenge.  That was my MAJOR accomplishment for the week.  He-he!  Lately I have been trying to get out of my comfort zone and go new places.  This is hard for someone who is stuck in her ways and feels comfortable just going to the same places.  But I was determined to get some fresh produce.  For me the stuff in the stores just doesn't cut it.  It isn't easy to find a farmer's market in the city but I hit the jackpot at the Famous Tomato.  They had lots and lots of goodies to choose from.  Even have a salad bar.  I picked up some tomatoes, red potatoes, green beans, peanuts, and a fancy cola in a bottle.  Dinner that night was a tomato and some cottage cheese.  One of my favorite things in the world.  Nothing better than a fresh Indiana tomato.  Check out the Famous Tomato here.

3.  Being single is tough sometimes.  Especially when it is time to eat.  It is so easy to just pick something up on the way home but that can get expensive.  And when you cook you have tons of leftovers.  Which is nice for the first couple of days and then it gets old.  I need to create a singles grocery store.  Where you can buy a half of loaf of bread (mine goes stale before I even get half way through) or a small amount of meat (I end up freezing most of mine.)  But when I cook I go all out.  I do enjoy doing it.  Baking is my favorite.  Here are some recent eats.  (Yes Mom more food pictures.)

Tomato Mozzarella plate.  Excuse my cheap apt countertops
Blueberry pancakes

Green beans and potatoes paired nicely with some ham.
 4.  I have a confession.  I'm addicted to nail polish.  No really.  I have to look at them every time I go to the store.  It really is my guilty pleasure.  I don't know why but I've always been this way.  My Mom had a nice collection to choose from growing up.  Sadly I took that over and she was left with nothing.  She had to start a new collection once I left for school.  Still to this day she tries to hide it from me.  I don't understand why?  (Joke is on her.  I know where it is hidden!!!)

My entire collection.  I even got rid of some before taking this picture.

My absolute favorite polish in the whole world.  Essie!!!!  I love, love, love this stuff.

5.  And now a cute cat picture.  Because I have one cat sitting on my chest and one on the arm of my chair as I type this blog.  It isn't easy balancing a laptop and 2 cats.  Guess it is time to wrap this up.  Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!!!

Sabrina and Callie
I'm linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Megan Carr's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge"

Hi there!  I was nominated by my lovely brother for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  So without further ado, here is my video!  Eccckkk!
PS.  I was too chicken to dump on my own head.  Thanks to my friend DeeDee and her husband Russ for their assistance.
PPS.  My facial expressions are priceless...............

Monday, August 18, 2014

Social Media Contact Info

Hey there!  Do me a favor.  If you haven't already.  Please follow me on social media.  I'm most active on Instagram and Twitter.  Now join the kool kids club and follow me!  Just click on the links below.  Thank you and have a great Monday!!!

Facebook:  NapTown Diva Blog
Instagram: naptowndiva
Twitter:  @naptowndiva79
Pinterest:  naptowndiva79

Friday, August 15, 2014

High Five for Friday

Hey there!  Thanks for stopping by.  I did it!  I wrote 5 blog posts this week.  And I'm tired........LOL.  I loved every minute of it.  Hopefully I am getting better and better at this.  I feel like I am!  (I've improved on my run-on least I think I have.........maybe not........Mom have I?........Ha-Ha)  Here are my highlights from the week.

1.  I know you missed me posting pictures of my nieces.  Gammy got to babysit them last weekend and sent me lots of fun pictures.  I even got to Facetime.  They are just the cutest!

HMMM...I don't think she has enough toys.....hehehe
Bee Bum
She is sitting up now on her own and doing an 'army' crawl.  Getting too big!
All dressed up!

Sophia the Wizard.  She looks so happy to have her pic taken!

2.  My cousin Dave shared this picture of my great grandparents on Facebook.  They would have celebrated their 100th wedding anniversary this week.  WOW!  They went by E.O. (Edward Oliver) and Mamie (Mildred Josephine).  Dave is the historian of the family and I love all his pictures and stories.  I really enjoy learning about my family before me.

E.O. and Mamie
3.  So I went and did it again.  I went to the Indiana State Fair on Tuesday.  It was $2 Tuesday.  $2 to get in and $2 food specials.  Let me tell you, what a great day!!!  Here are some of the highlights from my trip.

Roasted corn on the cob.  (I ended up with most of it on my shirt.)  There is more than corn in Indiana.....

The 'fried' everything booth.
Fried Oreos for just $2

I didn't eat here but wanted you to see the doughnut burger.  Or how about a burger with ice cream?

The Midway

I finally found the plaque for the State Fair victims.

4.  Friday night I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I went out with some girls to 8 Seconds Saloon.  It is a local country bar.  (It reminds me of The Neon Cactus at Purdue.)  They had a battle of the bands competition going on so it was packed.  I had a really fun time helping one of the girls celebrate her 40th birthday.  The music was great and nice to get out of my apt.  (I'm such a homebody.)

Me and DeeDee

Birthday girl Diana and her sister DeeDee


Ending on a serious note this week. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, please reach out for help. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Chances are you know someone who has dealt with it. Life is always worth living. Getting off my soap box now.

Have a beautiful weekend!!!!  XOXO

I'm linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday.
Thursday, August 14, 2014


Yesterday I shared about my experience at the Indiana State Fair in 2011.  When the concert stage collapsed right before my eyes.  Well today I want to share something a little bit happier.

Over 12,000 people had gathered that day in August for a Sugarland concert.  Sugarland being the wonderful country duo they are, didn't want to let their fans down.  So on October 28, 2011, Sugarland held a free concert in Indy.  Tickets were offered first to those who were at the first concert.  After that it was open to everyone.  Jenn and I went and had pretty great seats.  On the floor several rows back.  It was a wonderful evening.  I feel like a lot of healing went on that night for all of us.  Kristian and Jennifer did not disappoint.

Here are some of my pictures from that night.  They are a little blurry (before the days of my i-Phone).  Sugarland will always be one of my favorite duos.  They took care of their fans and paid tribute to those lives lost.

The stage was very simple that night.  Just a curtain as a backdrop.
Jennifer and Kristian of Sugarland talking about that night.


Jennifer Nettles on the big screen.