My New Year's Resolutions for 2014 |
I have been thinking all day what to write about and then I thought I would share a little bit about why I started my blog. (Also a very close friend asked me and it dawned on me I should probably share that on here.)
As you can see in the picture above, it was a New Year's Resolution. That is honest to goodness the resolutions I wrote on January 1. I keep it on my bedroom mirror so I can see it everyday. I actually started my blog in mid January. I drafted my
first post and just let it sit there for several months. Finally in April I thought let's do this!!!! I can't believe that I have gotten over 800 hits in less than a month. Thank you!
I have been following about 8 blogs on the regular now for about maybe 2 years. Most of them are beauty bloggers but they talk about their normal every day lives as well. One blogger I started following from pinterest and the others I randomly came across. I am also a big fan of the Pioneer Woman as you know. I enjoy her blog so much. A lot of the ladies blog to supplement their income or it is their full-time job. I would love for this to be a source of some income for me but I'm okay if this is just a hobby. I thought if these ladies can do it, then so can I. What do I have to lose?
I wanted to feel like I had a voice in this crazy world. I'm not sure what kind of theme this blog may have. I plan on writing about my life and the things I do. The only things off limits will be my job, politics, money, and religion. My Grandmother told me to never discuss the last 3 because you will never agree. And well Grams is right!
So where did NapTown Diva come from? Well the answer is my
Dad. Whenever I was little and needed a name for a new doll, stuffed
animal, Barbie, toy....he was the man for the job. He is very creative and puts a lot of thought into things. He came up with NapTown part and we threw a couple of ideas around. I said Diva and well the rest is history. I am
somewhat of a Diva in our family. Did I just publicly admit that? Oh
well it is the truth. If you didn't know NapTown is a nickname for IndiaNAPolis where I live. I do love naps, too!
Me and my Dad |
I know I am not a writer. (We will leave that to dear ole Dad.) I'm sure I will write in run on sentences and say things that make no sense to anyone but me. Hopefully I don't embarrass anyone too badly. This is all in good fun. I just wanted to share a little piece of myself with the world.
Now let me break down my 'about me' section. It goes something like this. "I'm a TV junkie, country music lover, crazy cat lady, aunt, daughter,
friend, Target shopper, Social Media addict, looking to be inspired, 30
something diva living the single life in NapTown."
TV junkie-I watch way too much TV. I have over 50 season passes on my DVR. Don't even get me started on on the reality shows I watch on BravoTV.
Country music lover-since only about 2010. My good friend T kind of forced it upon me when we traveled to Gulf Shores for a family vacation. Sugarland is probably one of my faves. Luke Bryan is my boyfriend.
Sugarland in concert a couple of years ago. |
On a serious note* Yes I was at the Sugarland concert where the stage
collapsed. By far one of the most terrible things I have ever seen
in my life. My friend Jennifer and I witnessed the whole thing from
the stands. A night neither one of us will forget. God bless all those
who were injured and lost their lives.
Crazy cat lady-Yes. I've got 2 cats. I probably would have more if Lee would let me. He's says three is too many.............Whatever.
Aunt-Proud Aunt! I've got 3 nieces and 1 nephew. Okay 2 are technically
not related to me but I love them as my own.
Me with D&P a couple of years ago |
Daughter-My Mom claims me. My Dad well you will just have to ask him. ;-)
Friend-I have a small circle of really close friends. I don't let too many people in. They are my people. They get me.
My besties. BFF 4-ever and ever. |
Target shopper-Even I wear myself out on Target sometimes and need a break. It is worth it to drive to Super Target to avoid that other hellish store that shall NOT be named.
Social Media addict-Yes I have to check Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Vine like a billion times a day. (In that order, too.) Instagram and Twitter are my favorite. FB is sooooooo 2010.
NapTown Diva Blog
Looking to be inspired-Trying to figure out what I should be doing with the rest of my life.
30 something-When did I get so old? I am 34 and holding. I'm not sure I can handle turning 40.
Single-Yes I am forever the single girl. I have never found someone who is worth my time. Maybe I have very high standards. I also grew up hearing from my Mother and Grandmother.....'Never get married!' Yes I can see your point. It gets really lonely some days but that is what the cats are for. Right??!!!??
I drink large margaritas because I can!!! |