
Friday, February 6, 2015

Christmas recap

So seeing how it is February and all, I thought I might get around to sharing Christmas pictures with you............screech.  I'm a little late I know.  I haven't felt really motivated to blog lately.  Nothing really that interesting has been going on.  (That is a good thing!)  I always find January to be such a boring month.  After the excitement of the holidays, it is kind of a let down.  And the weather stinks.  Although here in Indianapolis we have been so fortunate with our weather.  Not a lot of snow or ice.  Some cold temps but nothing we couldn't handle.  I will take it!!

Christmas was fine.  If I remember correctly, no one was majorly sick.  I only threw one tantrum and recovered quickly.  I was so fortunate to be home for a week and enjoyed my time.  But I was ready to come back and get back in the swing of things.

Me and Baby K on Christmas Eve

K#1 on Christmas Eve.  Her dress was so cute!  The house was covered in glitter but who cares!
Ready to eat!!!
That is my Dad reading the Christmas story at church.  He had it memorized as any OCD person would do.  Mom told him to just read it and NOT perform it.  Well let's just say he didn't listen.  He-he.
Santa arrived late Christmas Eve.  His elves enjoyed watching the Christmas Story and wrapping gifts until the wee hours of the morning.  And one certain elf always tricks the other one into wrapping all her gifts.  I think her name starts with M and ends in M with a O in the middle.  It is tradition.
Queen Elsa on Christmas.  Playing with her sister's toys.  Seemed to be a theme with her.
Story time with Gammy and apparently Jealous Pants Casey.
Slumber party with the big girls!!!
Helping me make cookies.
Making cookies
Got out all my American girl dolls and holiday Barbies.  These are just a few.
A life size Elsa at Target.  Too bad Christmas was over.
Selfie with K#1 and my American Girl doll, Molly.
Selfie with Baby K.  Looks just like her Daddy here.  I can't stand it.
I had a birthday.  25 plus or minus a few years...........................
Somebody really, really, really liked the cake.

I don't know why I didn't lick my plate!
A little blurry but I think she liked it.

Hope you had a happy holiday season!  TGIF!!!  Have a great weekend and thanks for reading!!!!


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